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The multiple choice questions in this online test paper focuses on NEPHROLOGY MCQ. If you are looking for self evaluation of your PG Medical entrance exam preparation then this online NEPHROLOGY MCQ Test Paper will help you to evaluate your exam preparation.


1- This online MCQ practice test paper contains 30 questions.
2- Each question in this online practice test paper have four options and only 1 option is correct.
3- You can view the answers of this practice test paper after submitting the practice test paper.
Note: The answers mentioned at the end of practice test are the best suitable option as per our knowledge. Users shall cross-check the answers with their textbooks.

Q 1. HSP has which of the following patterns of clinical glomerulonephritis


Q 2. antibodies against the α1(IV)NC1 domain is seen in patient with


Q 3. stains used to enhance basement membrane structure in renal biopsy


Q 4. true statement regarding IgA nephropathy includes all except


Q 5. which chain of type IV collagen is the target antigen in Goodpasture`s syndrome


Q 6. in renal biopsy, which of the following is an ominous sign of irreversibility and progression to renal failure


Q 7. true statement regarding Alport`s syndrome include all except


Q 8. focal glomerulonephritis is said to occur when lesion involves what proportion of glomeruli


Q 9. most common form of glomerulonephritis include


Q 10. wegner`s granulomatosis has which of the following patterns of clinical glomerulonephritis


Q 11. true regarding Goodpasture`s syndrome


Q 12. acute nephritic syndromes classically presents with


Q 13. post streptococcal glomerulonephritis is prototypical for


Q 14. circulating immune complex formation and deposition within the glomerulus is seen in


Q 15. positive oil droplet sign in Alport`s syndrome related to


Q 16. glomerulonephritis more common in females than in male population includes


Q 17. post streptococcal glomerulonephritis due to impetigo develops how many weeks after skin infection


Q 18. in Goodpasture syndrome worse prognosis indicated by


Q 19. churg-strauss syndrome has which of the following patterns of clinical glomerulonephritis


Q 20. basement syndrome includes all except


Q 21. in the first week of post streptococcal glomerulonephritis which of the following is true


Q 22. cryoglobulinemia has which of the following patterns of clinical glomerulonephritis


Q 23. by light microsopy how many glomeruli should be reviewed individually for discrete lesions


Q 24. starry sky appearance on immunofluorescence microscopy of renal biopsy is seen in


Q 25. true for anti-GBM disease


Q 26. IgA nephropathy is also called as


Q 27. post streptococcal glomerulonephritis develops how many weeks after streptococcal pharyngitis


Q 28. Goodpasture syndrome patient respond to


Q 29. which of the following is related to Alports syndrome


Q 30. true for Goodpasture`s syndrome includes


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