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The multiple choice questions in this online test paper focuses on CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM MCQ. If you are looking for self evaluation of your PG Medical entrance exam preparation then this online CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM MCQ Test Paper will help you to evaluate your exam preparation.


1- This online MCQ practice test paper contains 30 questions.
2- Each question in this online practice test paper have four options and only 1 option is correct.
3- You can view the answers of this practice test paper after submitting the practice test paper.
Note: The answers mentioned at the end of practice test are the best suitable option as per our knowledge. Users shall cross-check the answers with their textbooks.

Q 1. which of the following Apo A is synthesized only in small intestine


Q 2. Apo E is synthesized mainly in hepatocytes and also in


Q 3. apolipoprotein that is essential activator of enzyme lipoprotein lipase is


Q 4. which of the following is a lipoprotein


Q 5. which of the following contribute to atheromata lesion formation


Q 6. lipoproteins transport hydrophobic lipids through which of the following


Q 7. lipoproteins are essential for the transport of


Q 8. apolipoprotein that is essential for assembly & secretion of chylomicrons is


Q 9. which of the following reactions modifies HDL particles to become poor cholesterol acceptors


Q 10. 1686 which of the following slows the egress of lipid rich particles from the arterial wall intima


Q 11. lipoproteins are essential in the absorption of


Q 12. major apolipoprotein of VLDL, IDL , LDL is


Q 13. apolipoprotein that is essential for assembly & secretion of VLDL from liver is


Q 14. current ATP III guidelines recommend lipid screening in all adults above


Q 15. hypochlorus acid is produced in extracellular space of the intima of arteries by


Q 16. which of the following represents the initial lesion of atherosclerosis


Q 17. oxidative modification of lipoproteins in the extracellular space of the intima gives rise to


Q 18. which of the following found in bone also localize in atherosclerotic lesions


Q 19. which of the following leads to the formation of proinflammatory lipids


Q 20. atherosclerotic plaque contains which of the following


Q 21. lipoproteins have been classified on the basis of their


Q 22. which of the following is a characteristic feature of the culprit lesion that causes acute MI


Q 23. which of the following is a NPC1L1 , Niemann –Pick C1 like 1 protein inhibitor


Q 24. growing atheroma does not encroach on arterial lumen until the burden of atherosclerotic plaque exceeds


Q 25. blood HDL levels vary inversely with those of


Q 26. major lipid of lipoproteins is


Q 27. ApoAI , ApoAII and ApoAIV are found primarily on


Q 28. endogenous antioxidant include


Q 29. which of the following is not a hydrophobic lipid


Q 30. which of the following can raise HDL levels


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