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NEET PG MCQ Recall 2023

Q 1. A patient 34wk pregnant feel dizzy on lying supine & feel better on turning to left side. Cause of her dizziness?


Q 2. 36 weeks 6 days pregnant female with transverse lie presents in OPD. She had Previous 2 Vaginal deliveries . On USG her liquor is normal, placenta is upper & fetal weight is 2.8kg . Next step in her management


Q 3. A 30-year-old male came with a midline swelling. On protrusion of the tongue, the swelling moves up. Identify the condition



Q 4. A, chest pain feeling she might have heart attack. Patient had 5-6 episodes in a month, 30minute each in the last 6 months. What Is your diagnosis?


Q 5. A patient with chest pain radiating to interscapular region with BP left arm 160/110 in left arm and 110/70 in right arm.CXR shows mediastinal widening Diagnosis


Q 6. True regarding management of this child in DKA


Q 7. A 8 year old child with cola coloured urine and mild facial puffiness showed elevated creatinine. History of impetigo also given. likely associated electron microscopic finding?


Q 8. A patient delivered baby at 31wk. baby is admitted in NICU with rash, bilateral cataract & congenital heart defect . Cause of this neonatal pathology?


Q 9. Patient present with fever with neuropsychiatric findings. Investigation revealed temporal lobe haemorrhage. viral infection associated



Q 10. Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy?


Q 11. In a 75-year-old lady autopsy revealed Lewy body in hippocampus. Most likely diagnosis


Q 12. An African child presented with jaw swelling. BMA findings as given below in picture .Which translocation is involved? Screenshot 2023-04-06 at 7.21.08 PM


Q 13. A 7 years old boy presented with complains of recurrent bleeding. Past history reveals bony pains. swelling and  tightness in joints No mucosal bleeding seen. Coagulation factor deficiency is


Q 14. Points A to E are given in the adjoining graph of the action potential. Which of the following is correct?


Q 15. A patient presented to emergency after consuming 100 tablets of aspirin. Management of this case:


Q 16. Which of the following is the most common Complication following major vessel ligation during abdominoperineal resection in CA rectum?


Q 17. Pic given below diagnosis is



Q 18. A child presented with fast breathing. diagnosed as pneumonia. Drug of choice?


Q 19. A 48-year-old women develops fever and focal neurological signs. MRI shows a left temporal lobe lesion. Most appropriate test that can be done to confirm the diagnosis of HSV encephalitis in this patient is


Q 20. A baby presented with petechia, jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly, periventricular calcifications and sensorineural hearing loss. Urine showed inclusion bodies. The child might be suffering from ?



Q 21. A patient undergoing hysteroscopy given 2 litre of fluid What will be the earliest complication in her ?


Q 22. A patient presents with gangrenous abdominal wall with dyspnoea. Which of the following is incorrect?


Q 23. A 35-year-old female came with Rinne’s test negative at 256 and 512Hz and Rinne’s test positive for 1024Hz tuning fork. How much will be the air-bone gap in this patient?


Q 24. An elderly man with hepatitis B + and spike and dome pattern on electron microscopy. What would be the condition responsible?


Q 25. A patient present to you in her 2nd month of pregnancy with anaemia, Hb-9g%. true about starting iron therapy?


Q 26. Patient with past history of surgery following trauma present with following appearance as shown in Pic



Q 27. A patient with schizophrenia who didn’t respond to haloperidol and thioridazine was started on drug A. After starting drug A the psychotic symptoms improved but he developed sialorrhea, dyslipidaemia, weight gain and hyperglycaemia. Drug A is:


Q 28. Management of DKA


Q 29. prophylaxis for a patient undergoing cardiac surgery?


Q 30. Lesion involved if both right side of both eye is involved i.e. homonymous hemianopia


Q 31. Picture of molecule transport


Q 32. A 6 years old boy presented with complains of muscle cramps during exertion Investigations revealed hypoglycaemia and low lactate levels. The child might be suffering from?


Q 33. Patient a chronic alcoholic with history of fall 1 week back now presented with confusion. Picture suggests



Q 34. Murmur S1 till S2 as given in image


Q 35. A child is brought to pediatric opd with fever and stridor. X ray neck given below. Dx 50


Q 36. In a patient from Rajasthan who came with weight loss with lesions on leg having surrounding erythema (not sure). A. Kinetoplast inside mononuclear cell found on examination Most likely diagnosis:


Q 37. Injury to lateral part of dorsal column at cervical region will leads to weakness in


Q 38. A 65-year-old man went for a medical examination and peripheral blood smear shows marked elevation of lymphocytes with marked leucocytosis. next investigation of choice?


Q 39. A lady presented to STI clinic with vaginal discharge. O/E she has cervical erosion. What kit will be given to her for STI Treatment?


Q 40. An infant presented with complains of yellowish discolouration of skin and clay coloured stools. Investigations revealed conjugated hyperbilirubinemia and periductular proliferation on liver biopsy. diagnosis?


Q 41. A patient of chronic pancreatitis presented to the causality. On USG, a calculi was found in pancreatic duct with 10mm dilation. What is the treatment of choice?


Q 42. A 40-year-old male patient presented with progressive loss of voice, dysphagia, breathing difficulty has gone through an operation. Identify the procedure that has been done in him?



Q 43. Which of the following factors used to determine q score?


Q 44. A patient sustained injury and have clean wound with no laceration. history of TT vaccination received 10 years back. Treatment to be given now


Q 45. Disadvantage of laparoscopy surgery over open surgery


Q 46. female with cough, breathlessness with mid diastolic murmur with prominent a  wave in JVP?


Q 47. Clinical history is suggestive of premature ejaculation in male with history of relationship conflicts with wife. Non pharmacological treatment used in this condition?


Q 48. Autopsy technique done in HIV positive patient


Q 49. A hypertensive patient on multi drug therapy for hypertension presented with Chest pain and the following ECG was noted. Which drug might have precipitated the condition?



Q 50. Pain in right leg after 3 months of bilateral inguinal hernia surgery. Pain is due to


Q 51. A diabetic patient with hypertension was started on ARB. Which of the following is true?


Q 52. Identify the vitamin deficiency in a child with this bony abnormality? Screenshot 2023-04-06 at 7.30.43 PM


Q 53. Patient with BP of 160/110 on CT head SAH detected . Next step in management



Q 54. A 35-year-old patient presented with cough and fever for past 12 days. There are crept on right side of the chest. Xray is done. What is your diagnosis?


Q 55. New drug is recently approved for CHF which work by inhibiting both neprilysin (neutral endopeptidase, (NEP) and angiotensin-converting  enzyme (ACE) enzyme (ACE).


Q 56. Cock up splint pic for



Q 57. Diagnostic of corneal ulcer in the pic



Q 58. A 35-year-old patient presented with morning stiffness and reduced chest expansion. What is the diagnosis on the basis of history and radiographs?


Q 59. Parents of the Child complains of assaulted by one of their relatives and anal pain in a child, On investigation test shows yellow iodine crystals with picric acid – name of the test?


Q 60. 45-year-old female with breast carcinoma BIRAD stage 5 Which of the following associated with good prognosis


Q 61. A 65-year-old male presented with coloured halos as gradual decrease in vision. There is a history of DM since many years. What is the diagnosis and the management for the patient looking at slit lamp picture.


Q 62. Alcoholic patient present with painful first metatarsophalangeal joint No history of travel sexual contact and dysentery . Uric acid and blood urea was normal . Likely diagnosis


Q 63. The average daily dietary nutrient intake level sufficient to meet the nutrient requirement of 97.5 percent of healthy individuals in a particular life stage and gender group


Q 64. mendelian inheritance true is


Q 65. A 30-year-old female presenting with sterile pyuria. Base on radiograph below diagnosis?



Q 66. In cirrhotic liver anastomotic blood flow increase in


Q 67. Hepatitis B with high viral load. HBsAG positive. HbeAg positive.  Treatment


Q 68. A 1 year old girl presented with recurrent episodes of fasting hypoglycaemia. Liver biopsy reveals minimal glycogen deposits. Which enzyme deficiency


Q 69. A 65-year-old male presented with colored halos as gradual decrease in vision. history of DM since 5 years. Diagnosis and the management looking at slit lamp picture.



Q 70. A patient brought with complain of decrease in activity of daily living. On examination tremors and rigidity present. Most likely lesion present in


Q 71. A 60-year female patient present with resting tremor, rigidity, Bradykinesia, emotional lability what structure most likely have lesion in


Q 72. A 30-year-old male patient came with proptosis of eyes. He has a history of Road traffic accident 15 years back. Following is the CT scan. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient


Q 73. Treatment for penile verrucous carcinoma


Q 74. not an indication for the given instrument?


Q 75. A patient presented with vaginal discharge which eventually stopped. Now she has pain abdomen with little Intermenstrual bleeding & dysuria. Diagnosis?


Q 76. A patient was on dialysis presented with vomiting, tremor and muscle cramps with some visual disturbances. Drug used in its management is:


Q 77. An acute gout patient on anti-gout medication which act by decreasing uric acid level by decreasing its production. The drug used is:


Q 78. Pregnant female not taking papaya and mango in her diet. Awareness about diet provided at home visit provided by


Q 79. A 49-year-old man who smokes three packs of cigarettes per day for the last 20 years (60 pack years) is currently taking an oral nicotine agent to stop smoking as well as clonidine. Approximately 3 days ago, he stopped taking his clonidine and now complains of a pounding headache. What is the most likely explanation for this finding?


Q 80. A girl of primary amenorrhea with no breast, no pubic or axillary hair & B/l inguinal masses, present. On USG, there is no uterus, vagina & ovaries. diagnosis?


Q 81. A 56yr old chronic smoker presents with complaints of weight loss, cough for more than 1 year. His biopsy reports revealed atypical cells. Blood investigation revealed hypercalcemia? Carcinoma responsible


Q 82. A patient on chemotherapy presented with thrombocytopenia. Which of the following drug will be preferred in this patient?


Q 83. A child while yawning open mouth stuck in the position . It is due to which muscle


Q 84. Cement factory worker present with shortness of breath, cough, and pain in the chest cause is?


Q 85. A 35-year-old Farmer on maize diet with diarrhoea, dementia and dermatitis. Which Vitamin is deficient in this patient?


Q 86. A 35-year-old obese woman with hirsutism presented with acne as given in the image. The lesions are not responding to antibiotics and isotretinoin. What is the next step?



Q 87. An increase in external K+  concentration:


Q 88. A 35 weeks pregnant women had delivered twins last time. Her status is


Q 89. A 45-year-old male is operated for inguinal hernia. Post operatively, he complains of pain in right leg. Which nerve involvement leads to this complication?


Q 90. A lady with multiple partners present with perineal ulcer which is painless & inguinal lymph nodes which are also painless. diagnosis?


Q 91. A patient came with TB symptoms with negative sputum sample for TB. Chest X-ray findings  are suggestive of TB. What is the next step of management?


Q 92. Steroid induced oral candidiasis treatment


Q 93. Drug of choice for gonorrhoea:


Q 94. Acute tonsillitis pain is by which nerve


Q 95. A radiograph of a patient is given below who has knee pain for last 3months. There is no definitive history of trauma. What is the correct statement regarding diagnosis and management?



Q 96. A patient had varicella infection. The management for the remaining contacts would be:


Q 97. A 3 years old with history of raw egg ingestion with alopecia. deficiency seen?


Q 98. identify the structure marked with arrow



Q 99. HIV positive patient with lung involvement and umbilicate lesion Dx


Q 100. Cong melanocytic naevus long term complication as given in picture of child



Q 101. A 5-year-old child with bleeding per rectum and rectal polyp showing colonic epithelium with mucin. Likely pathology?


Q 102. On USG of an alcoholic patient with complain of right hypochondrial pain 75mm of liver abscess detected. Management


Q 103. There is a history of village people consuming a crop as a staple diet. Many of the villagers are now presenting with paresis and using stick to stand. Which of the following vitamin would help?


Q 104. A 45-year-old man develops generalized muscles spasm and arching backwards. He had a history of consuming seeds in pic given below a few days back. toxin responsible for this abnormal poisoning?



Q 105. A 5 year old child presented with fever, coryza and conjunctivitis. Kolpik spots on oral mucosa diagnosis?


Q 106. trichomonas?


Q 107. A farmer with history of successive crop failure start eating particularly a type of legume in their diet develops progressive spastic paraparesis, upper motor neuron signs, and gait instability. Most likely toxin responsible


Q 108. Enzyme activity measured in Beri Beri is


Q 109. A 23 years old Pt brought by her mother-in-law after 6mth of marriage as she is not able to conceive. She is menstruating regularly & normal BMI. next step?


Q 110. Deep inguinal ring is present in


Q 111. hysteroscopically surgery done for


Q 112. Low serum insulin glucagon ratio leads to


Q 113. A patient with Multiple sexual partners, present with swelling in perineum. Examination image is given below, diagnosis? Screenshot 2023-04-06 at 7.06.53 PM


Q 114. Allantois pic given. Which of the following is remnant of it


Q 115. Clonorchis sinensis is associated with


Q 116. A 48-year-old HIV positive patient presented with multiple masses in palate. Which of the tumour is suspected?



Q 117. 40-year-old patient with history of chronic alcohol abuse presents with confusion & ataxia. On examination, there was nystagmus and 6th nerve palsy. What is the likely diagnosis?


Q 118. Which of the following factors used to determine qSOFA?


Q 119. A 2 months old baby presented with following swelling since birth. What is the diagnosis ?



Q 120. deformity is usually seen in-



Q 121. Respiratory distress syndrome is associated with?


Q 122. A patient of infertility since 3yr has presented with 6wk amenorrhea. She has vaginal spotting. USG revealed adnexal mass is seen on 2.5cm with fetal pole but Cardiac activity absent, beta hcg 2800IU. What will be best management for her?


Q 123. debridement surgery as shown in the given image. Choose the correct statement.



Q 124. Best measure to assess the health status of a community, sensitive indicator of availability and utilization of health services


Q 125. A neonate presented with a triad of patent ductus arteriosus, deafness and cataract. The neonate might be suffering from ?


Q 126. Progressive swelling below ear lobule causing pain is due to


Q 127. A child brought with complain of diarrhoea, alopecia, muscle wasting, depression, irritability, and a rash involving the extremities and face


Q 128. The manoeuvre shown is:



Q 129. A patient with arrhythmia on anti-arrhythmic drugs. Which of the following can cause pulmonary fibrosis?


Q 130. 26-year-old HIV positive male presented with respiratory distress showing foamy exudates. Gomori methamine silver stain was put and then came the diagnosis



Q 131. A patient was on digoxin therapy developed toxicity and the level was 4ng/ml. How much time will it take to reach therapeutic PC considering the therapeutic PC is 1 and half-life 40 minutes.


Q 132. A child in class 5 in urban school will receive which vaccine under urban school health service?


Q 133. Which chemical causes the following allergic reaction following hair dye application


Q 134. In a case of Organophosphate  poisoning, during management with atropine & pralidoxime, the patient become hyperthermic, cause of hyperthermia?


Q 135. HRP2 test is done for


Q 136. Years of potential life lost calculated based on


Q 137. 60-year chronic smoker patient present in right arm, there is also evidence of ptosis and  horner syndrome, CXR suggest


Q 138. A 76yr old man came with increasing somnolence and lethargy. Associated with headache, with mild nausea. History of head injury 1 week back present. CT showed crescent shaped hyper density that cross suture lines. Diagnosis?


Q 139. A lady present with feature of anemia ,gum bleeding and hyperplasia which of the following translocation responsible


Q 140. Right lateral recumbent position for


Q 141. 65 year old patient on aspirin for 4 years and occasional intake of alcohol present with pain in epigastric region and episode of hematemesis and malena,Dx


Q 142. Identify the diagnosis from picture of eye given




Q 143. A 10-year-old child presented with hepatosplenomegaly and jaundice. Diagnosis and test done based on picture given below Screenshot 2023-04-06 at 7.24.09 PM


Q 144. Black coloured urine is seen in?


Q 145. which of the following causes loss of dorsiflexion of foot  due to adjacent nerve damage


Q 146. CT scan of a 53-year-old patient is given who presented with abdominal pain. Which of the following statements is correct?


Q 147. A lady presented with vaginal discharge. O/E she had necrotic lesion on cervix was diagnosed as cancer cervix. It was seen to involve parametria & lateral pelvic wall. treatment?


Q 148. A 22-year-old female presented with swelling in forearm. Radiograph is given below. Identify the condition



Q 149. A resident of Delhi had fever for a few days, platelets are 20000/ mm3, wbc<3000, bleeding occurred with bleeding time increased. Petechiae present with normal PT and APTT. Identify the diagnosis:


Q 150. Spirometery graph given arrow represent



Q 151. Sweat chloride levels are tested in ?


Q 152. Most common complication of major vessel ligation in APR of carcinoma of rectum is


Q 153. Which statement is true?


Q 154. A 60-year-old chronic alcoholic patient present with weight loss. On investigation AFP (alpha feta protein) and ALP raised and SGOT/SGPT normal. Diagnosis


Q 155. During the post-mortem examination, the temperature of the dead body is more than 39 degrees. This phenomenon is seen in:


Q 156. In a lady with asthma not use in her for management of 3rd stage of labour.


Q 157. The study among two groups of people working in an aniline dye factory for 20 years conducted study with people working in factories and office workers of the same factory (saw the documents). What is this type of study?


Q 158. Post alkali ingestion complain of dysphagia. next step of management


Q 159. A 25 yrs male in construction industry handling vibrating tools and paints complain of white fingers. What could be the cause


Q 160. To what class according to CEAP category does varicose veins with eczema belong to:


Q 161. A Chronic smoker with lung carcinoma showing large malignant cells and necrosis along with hypercalcemia. Diagnosis?


Q 162. Tracking of BP means


Q 163. Which of the following statements are true in first year of life?


Q 164. A patient of Primary amenorrhea presents with cyclical abdominal pain . O/E she has suprapubic lump. On PR examination fullness was felt in whole vaginal length. Her Dx?


Q 165. A baby delivered preterm with rash, thrombocytopenia & hepatosplenomegaly. Baby was not able to pass hearing test & he also has paraventricular calcification. Diagnosis?


Q 166. A child presented with complains of bony pains and anaemia . Bone marrow aspiration pic. enzyme deficiency seen



Q 167. Type of refractive error of in the pic



Q 168. pic -which arch artery is responsible



Q 169. . A child with scurvy presented with gum bleeding. Cause is ?


Q 170. Death caused by act done with intent to cause miscarriage comes under


Q 171. Advice for 14 years old daughter whose mother underwent radical surgery for cancer cervix.


Q 172. Colombo plan helps in


Q 173. Management based on the given partogram? Screenshot 2023-04-06 at 7.17.33 PM


Q 174. Identify the marked structure


Q 175. A patient 32 weeks pregnant present with over distended abdomen but not tense. Fetal parts not easily felt & FHR not easily audible. What is her diagnosis?


Q 176. With reference to the adjoining diagram, which of the following is correct?



Q 177. A patient is being given HCG for IVF cycles. Her USG shows Screenshot 2023-04-06 at 7.10.31 PM


Q 178. En mass dissection technique of autopsy where Organs removed from tongue to prostate refers to which of the following


Q 179. A 3-month-old patient presented with paroxysms of cough and apnea in between with fever. TLC>50,000 with absolute lymphocytosis. Which of the following is the drug of choice for this condition?


Q 180. A farmer was sleeping in his agricultural field when something bit him, and he saw something moving away. He woke up with pain at bite site, drowsiness & uncontrollable bleeding at local bite site. This is suggestive of which bite


Q 181. A child presented in OPD with muscle weakness and developmental delay. On examination, cherry red spots seen and there was no hepatosplenomegaly. The child might be suffering from ?

Screenshot 2023-04-06 at 7.29.48 PM


Q 182. Sweat chloride test is for


Q 183. Identify slit lamp examination finding



Q 184. patient presented with features of DIC with low platelet counts. translocation most likely associated based on picture as given below


Q 185. Identify the diagnosis from picture of eye given




Q 186. An infant with difficulty in opening the eyes presents to you with a cloudy cornea. There is also watering from baby’s eyes since birth. What is the most probable diagnosis looking at the picture given?



Q 187. A person presented with neurological manifestations mimicking UMN palsy and sensory neuropathy the patient was pale and investigations revealed anaemia. Deficiency of which vitamin implicated


Q 188. Patient underwent surgery for pituitary tumor now presented with high serum osmalarity. correct statement


Q 189. A child while playing, plucked a fruit from plant and consumed it. He was brought to hospital with complaints of drowsiness, hyperthermia, painful swallowing & photophobia. Child was also unable to pass urine. Which of the following is true regarding diagnosis of poison and antidote in this case


Q 190. Hernia lying medial to inferior epigastric artery and superior to pubic tubercle occurs due to weakness in


Q 191. Patient presented with below clinical finding (image below). Dystonia and increased muscle tone are also noted on clinical examination. What is the gold standard for dx of this condition?



Q 192. A patient was taken into emergency room following an RTA. Upon investigation he responded to pain by opening his eyes. Using inappropriate words and withdrawing his hand from the stimuli. Calculate the GCS?


Q 193. Bronchial Asthmatic – Now presenting with tachycardia and raised T3 and T4. Treatment


Q 194. A labourer patient present with unconsciousness. On examination temperature noted 105 F. Skin turgor was decreased. Which of the following not seen


Q 195. A 23-year-old medical student presented with exophthalmos as shown below, tachycardia, palpitations, sweating and heat intolerance. Which of the following is used for its diagnosis?



Q 196. A preterm with respiratory distress has ground glass opacity on x ray chest. deficiency of ?


Q 197. Which procedure is shown below?



Q 198. A pt presents with fever. On examination conjunctival suffusion is seen with petechial eruption & thrombocytopenia. Per abdomen shows tender hepatomegaly & icterus.KFT is normal. investigation to be done for diagnosis.


Q 199. A diabetic patient presented with the following condition given below. What is the diagnosis?




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