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Reproductive Biology / Medicine / Infertility MCQs – Exercise 16

The multiple choice questions in this online test paper focuses on Reproductive Biology / Reproductive Medicine / Infertility MCQ. If you are looking for self evaluation of your PG Medical entrance exam preparation then this online Reproductive Biology / Reproductive Medicine / Infertility MCQ Test Paper will help you to evaluate your exam preparation.


1- This online MCQ practice test paper contains 30 questions.
2- Each question in this online practice test paper have four options and only 1 option is correct.
3- You can view the answers of this practice test paper after submitting the practice test paper.
Note: The answers mentioned at the end of practice test are the best suitable option as per our knowledge. Users shall cross-check the answers with their textbooks.

Q 1. A 30 year female with with past h/o appendicectomy and recurrent UTI present for evaluation for infertility.her partner have child from previos marriage,most probable cause


Q 2. Vaginal canalization occurs at


Q 3. Regarding ejaculatory dysfunction in patients with spinal cord injuries all true except


Q 4. PPH occurs in what percentage of multiple pregnancy


Q 5. When division of embryo occurs within first week of fertilization type of twinning arise


Q 6. Turner syndrome cardiovascular manifestation include


Q 7. A young female with identical sister present with pregnancy,chances she will have twins


Q 8. Clomiphene citrate challenge test is done for


Q 9. Latent stage of labour in said to prolonged in primi if greater than


Q 10. Regarding empirical therapy for male infertility true statement includes


Q 11. Infertility treatment with highest rate of quadruplets


Q 12. True regarding Y-linked microdeletion


Q 13. Regarding vagina all true excep


Q 14. In Erb’s paralysis, the deformity is called:


Q 15. A 32 year female with h/o PCOS present for evaluation of infertility.Initial step in her Evaluation


Q 16. a woman with h/o child with her previous marriage and h/o endometriosis with regular cycles now married to person who had h/o prostate carcinoma for which he was operated now health present with complain of infertility.most likely cause


Q 17. A 25 year old tall slender male on evaluation for infertility found to have azoospermia and his b/l testicular size 4ml.his onset of pubertal age was 16.True statement includes


Q 18. Small or absent sinuses are associated with all except


Q 19. Risk factors for ectopic pregnancy include all except


Q 20. Twin gestation are at increased risk for all of the following complications except


Q 21. In Erb’s paralysis, brachial plexus injury involve which cord segment


Q 22. Latent stage of labour in said to prolonged in multi if greater than


Q 23. Most common reason for spontaneous abortion in the first trimester


Q 24. A 35 Year old male while evaluating for infertility with h/o small amount of ejaculate.normal size testes with normal prostate. On TRUS, small atretic seminal vesicles are seen. His FSH and testosterone levels are normal. Which of the following is true regarding his infertility.


Q 25. In Erb’s paralysis during birth all true except


Q 26. In Turner’s syndrome:


Q 27. Most common reason for spontaneous abortion in the first trimester


Q 28. Fetal cause of stillbirth include


Q 29. During pregnancy β-hcg level doubles in


Q 30. A person with past h/o pulmonary disease and hospitalized in past for respiratory Difficulty presented for evaluation of infertility,most probable diagnosis


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