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NEUROLOGY MCQ – Exercise 64

The multiple choice questions in this online test paper focuses on NEUROLOGY MCQ. If you are looking for self evaluation of your PG Medical entrance exam preparation then this online NEUROLOGY MCQ Test Paper will help you to evaluate your exam preparation.


1- This online MCQ practice test paper contains 30 questions.
2- Each question in this online practice test paper have four options and only 1 option is correct.
3- You can view the answers of this practice test paper after submitting the practice test paper.
Note: The answers mentioned at the end of practice test are the best suitable option as per our knowledge. Users shall cross-check the answers with their textbooks.

Q 1. which is useful in managing treatment resistant depression


Q 2. which increases near term suicidal risk in depressed patients


Q 3. which can produce hyperglycemia and craving


Q 4. which is responsible for acquisition and maintenance of habit and skill learning


Q 5. best tolerated tricyclic antidepressant by elderly includes


Q 6. neuroendocrine abnormality that reflect neurovegetative signs and symptoms of depression is


Q 7. shorter acting benzodiazepines include


Q 8. serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor


Q 9. which anticonvulsants with GABAergic properties is beneficial in anxiety related symptoms


Q 10. anxiolytic drug with no active metabolite


Q 11. which is useful in the treatment of OCD


Q 12. ideal antidepressant includes


Q 13. mixed norepinephrine /serotonin reuptake inhibitors and receptor blocker


Q 14. benzodiazepines should not be given for more than how many weeks to avoid risk of abuse and dependence


Q 15. therapeutic blood levels of lithium in the treatment of acute mania is


Q 16. sleep abnormality in patients with major depression


Q 17. bipolar I mania is distuinguish from bipolar II hypomania by


Q 18. extrapyramidal symptoms can appear with the use of


Q 19. lithium side effect include all except


Q 20. in patient with depression , mood is worse in


Q 21. response to treatment of depression should be evaluated after how many months


Q 22. rapid cycling term is used for patients who have how many episodes of either depression or mania in a given year


Q 23. nonbenzodiazepine anxiolytic agent include


Q 24. obsessive compulsive disorder is associated with which condition


Q 25. serotonin syndrome include all except


Q 26. in obsessive compulsive disorder, obsession pertains to


Q 27. MAOI includes


Q 28. principal active metabolite of fluoxetine


Q 29. MAO should not be used concomitantly with


Q 30. in depressed phase of bipolar disorder which of the following is effective


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