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The multiple choice questions in this online test paper focuses on ENDOCRINOLOGY MCQ. If you are looking for self evaluation of your PG Medical entrance exam preparation then this online ENDOCRINOLOGY MCQ Test Paper will help you to evaluate your exam preparation.


1- This online MCQ practice test paper contains 30 questions.
2- Each question in this online practice test paper have four options and only 1 option is correct.
3- You can view the answers of this practice test paper after submitting the practice test paper.
Note: The answers mentioned at the end of practice test are the best suitable option as per our knowledge. Users shall cross-check the answers with their textbooks.

Q 1. most common cause of GHRH- mediated acromegaly is


Q 2. in ACTH deficiency, total daily dose of hydrocortisone replacement therapy should not exceed


Q 3. regarding Laron syndrome all are true except


Q 4. characteristic voice in isolated GH deficiency is


Q 5. final height of children can be predicted by


Q 6. peak ACTH secretion occurs at


Q 7. adult GH deficiency is defined by a peak GH response to hypoglycemia of


Q 8. receptor for ACTH is


Q 9. regarding octreotide all are true except


Q 10. besides ACTH , POMC precursor protein produces


Q 11. treatment with IGF-I is recommended for


Q 12. what percentage of pituitary cell population are ACTH secreting corticotrope cells


Q 13. POMC gene is induced by


Q 14. last hormone to be lost in acquired pituitary hormone deficiency


Q 15. mammosomatotrope pituitary adenoma can lead to


Q 16. following provocative stimuli, GH levels normally increase to how much in children


Q 17. acromegaly is associated with increased risk of which malignancy


Q 18. acidophil stem cell pituitary adenoma can lead to


Q 19. following act by antagonizing endogenous GH binding to its receptor


Q 20. normal daytime circulating levels of GH is


Q 21. measurement of which of the following is most useful for the diagnosis of acromegaly


Q 22. familial modes of inheritance of isolated GH deficiency is


Q 23. in acromegaly, following oral glucose load, GH levels remain more than


Q 24. ACTH levels are increased by


Q 25. organ not enlarged in acromegaly


Q 26. regarding acromegaly all are true except


Q 27. contraindication to GH therapy includes


Q 28. side effect of octreotide


Q 29. in GH microadenomas which is the preferred primary treatment


Q 30. prognathism is due to enlargement of


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