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Head / Neck MCQs – Exercise 4

The multiple choice questions in this online test paper focuses on Head / Neck MCQ. If you are looking for self evaluation of your PG Medical entrance exam preparation then this online Head / Neck MCQ Test Paper will help you to evaluate your exam preparation.


1- This online MCQ practice test paper contains 30 questions.
2- Each question in this online practice test paper have four options and only 1 option is correct.
3- You can view the answers of this practice test paper after submitting the practice test paper.
Note: The answers mentioned at the end of practice test are the best suitable option as per our knowledge. Users shall cross-check the answers with their textbooks.

Q 1. which is true regarding cavernous sinus


Q 2. muscle derived from second pharyngeal arch is


Q 3. Action of lateral pterygoid is


Q 4. superior cerebellar peduncle contains which of the following structure


Q 5. which muscle not supplied by ansa cervicalis


Q 6. middle meningeal artery passes through foramen


Q 7. brocas area located in


Q 8. filum terminale is madeup of


Q 9. waldyers ring is formedby all except


Q 10. which of the following cranial nerves rise from dorsal aspect of brain stem


Q 11. correct position o f 6th cranial nerve in cavernous sinus is


Q 12. isthmus of thyroid gland lies opposite to which of the following tracheal ring


Q 13. all are branches of internal carotid artery except


Q 14. fibres passing through genu are


Q 15. pes anserinus is the arrangement of


Q 16. which structure passes through superior constrictor and base of skull


Q 17. 7th ,9th and 10th cranial nerves ends in


Q 18. which of the following is not a temporomandibular ring


Q 19. middle cerebellar peduncle is formed by which tract


Q 20. vein of galen is formed by


Q 21. struture passes through foramen ovale in middle cranial fossa


Q 22. anterior spinal artery is branch of


Q 23. following nucleus is involved in ciliary ganglion


Q 24. not derived from second arch


Q 25. artery supplying blood to visual retinae


Q 26. subrachnoid space ends at which level


Q 27. the lateral medullary syndrome of Wallenberg is characterized by


Q 28. dangerous area of face is named so because of the connection of facial veins to cavernous sinus through


Q 29. which of the following is not a branch of subclavian artery


Q 30. ophthalmic artery is branch of


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