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The multiple choice questions in this online test paper focuses on DERMATOLOGY MCQ. If you are looking for self evaluation of your PG Medical entrance exam preparation then this online DERMATOLOGY MCQ Test Paper will help you to evaluate your exam preparation.


1- This online MCQ practice test paper contains 30 questions.
2- Each question in this online practice test paper have four options and only 1 option is correct.
3- You can view the answers of this practice test paper after submitting the practice test paper.
Note: The answers mentioned at the end of practice test are the best suitable option as per our knowledge. Users shall cross-check the answers with their textbooks.

Q 1. treatment of tinea unguium


Q 2. a 7 year old boy presents with boggy swelling of scalp with multiple discharging sinuses with cervical lymphadenopathy with easily pluckable hair , diagnosis is


Q 3. all of the following drugs are effective in treatment of pityriasis versicolour except


Q 4. a 24 year old man had multiple, small hypopigmented macules on the upper chest and back for the last 3 months. The macules were circular, arranged around follicles and many had coalesced to form large sheets . The surface of the macules showed fine scaling.he had similar lesions one year ago which subsided with the treatment. The most appropriate investigation to confirm the diagnosis is


Q 5. griesofulvin is used in


Q 6. Kerion is seen in -


Q 7. test likely to help in diagnosis of a patient who presents with an itchy annular plaque on the face is


Q 8. tinea unguium effects


Q 9. T.capitis is not caused by


Q 10. most common organism causing T. capitis is


Q 11. ciclipirox oleamine is used in


Q 12. discharging sinus is seen in


Q 13. ring worm infection affects


Q 14. which of the following stains is used to study fungal morphology in tissue section


Q 15. stain used for staining fungal elements


Q 16. dermatophytes are


Q 17. corynebacterium minutissimum causes


Q 18. a 22 year old male patient presents with a complaints of severe itching and white scaly lesions in the groin for past month. Which of the following is the most likely to be the causative agent


Q 19. an elevenold boy is having tinea capitis on his scalp. The most appropriate line of treatment is


Q 20. Tinea incognito is seen with


Q 21. fungal infection of the skin includes all except


Q 22. a 60 year old male presented with discoloration, thickening and tunneling of 2 fingernails and one toe nail. Which of the following will clinch the diagnosis at the earliest?


Q 23. dermatophyte infection is


Q 24. recurrent balanoposthitis seen in


Q 25. griesofulvin given for the treatment of fungal infection in the finger nail Dermatophytosis for how much duration


Q 26. roseola infantum i(exanthem subitum )ncludes all except


Q 27. following drug is effective in treatment of pityriasis versicolor


Q 28. T. capitis (endothrix) is caused by


Q 29. an 8 year old boy presents with boggy swelling and easily pluckable hair , diagnosis is


Q 30. drug of choice for Tinea unguim is


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