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Reproductive Biology / Medicine / Infertility MCQs – Exercise 9

The multiple choice questions in this online test paper focuses on Reproductive Biology / Reproductive Medicine / Infertility MCQ. If you are looking for self evaluation of your PG Medical entrance exam preparation then this online Reproductive Biology / Reproductive Medicine / Infertility MCQ Test Paper will help you to evaluate your exam preparation.


1- This online MCQ practice test paper contains 30 questions.
2- Each question in this online practice test paper have four options and only 1 option is correct.
3- You can view the answers of this practice test paper after submitting the practice test paper.
Note: The answers mentioned at the end of practice test are the best suitable option as per our knowledge. Users shall cross-check the answers with their textbooks.

Q 1. maternal circulating blood volume increased during pregnancy by what percentage


Q 2. Hot flushes occur in what parcent of peri and early postmenopausal women


Q 3. Age of menopause affected by all except


Q 4. maternal changes in kidney during pregnancy include


Q 5. protein percentage in human milk


Q 6. hormone suppressing lactation effectively include


Q 7. during pregnancy all true except


Q 8. HRT in postmenopausal woman is associated with increase in all except


Q 9. Major androgen precursor for placental estrogen production


Q 10. tissue supplying progesterone during pregnancy until placental production alone is Sufficient includes


Q 11. Method of contraception with lowest to highest failure rate


Q 12. matertnal physiological adaptations to pregnancy include all except


Q 13. maternal changes in kidney during pregnancy include detection of glucose in urine in About what parcentage


Q 14. Intrauterine fetal transfusion most commonly involves tansfusion of


Q 15. Hct value of transfused blood during intrauterine fetal transfusion


Q 16. which estrogen is primarily produced by the placenta


Q 17. Concentrations of PGs in maternal plasma are deccreased


Q 18. Regarding prostaglandin activity in labor false statement include


Q 19. regarding changes in pregnancy all true except


Q 20. uterus maintained in state of quiescence (phase 0) by inhibitors during labor include


Q 21. Physiological changes which commonly occurs during menopause include all of the following except


Q 22. During (phase 2) state of stimulation uterus underwent stimulus through


Q 23. Average human gestation period lasts


Q 24. Patient with delivery complicated by postpartum hemorrhage complain that she is unable to feed her child,cause include


Q 25. Hormone causing delayed gastric and gall bladder emptying during pregnancy include


Q 26. Trancellular pathways required for appropriate milk formation include all of the following except:


Q 27. According to the text, what makes a contraceptive technique the best method for a person?


Q 28. Human mammary gland is derived from


Q 29. Crown rump length most accurately can be measured between


Q 30. Milk secreted at birth due to withdrawal of estrogen called as


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