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The multiple choice questions in this online test paper focuses on REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY/ REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE / INFERTILITY MCQs. If you are looking for self evaluation of your PG Medical entrance exam preparation then this online REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY/ REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE / INFERTILITY MCQs Test Paper will help you to evaluate your exam preparation.


1- This online MCQ practice test paper contains 30 questions.
2- Each question in this online practice test paper have four options and only 1 option is correct.
3- You can view the answers of this practice test paper after submitting the practice test paper.
Note: The answers mentioned at the end of practice test are the best suitable option as per our knowledge. Users shall cross-check the answers with their textbooks.

Q 1. BAL in sarcoidosis typically shows increased proportions of which of the following


Q 2. chronic sarcoidosis is likely if the acute form does not resolve within


Q 3. cardiac diseases in sarcoidosis presents as


Q 4. significant elevation of ACE levels seen in


Q 5. in sarcoidosis which is the cardinal feature that initiate the formation and maintenance of granuloma


Q 6. lower than normal level of ACE levels seen in


Q 7. in Kveim-Siltzbach skin test papule that develops at the site of injection is biopsied after how many weeks later


Q 8. infrequent constituent of sarcoidal granuloma


Q 9. sarcoidosis complication includes


Q 10. least relevant test in sarcoidosis


Q 11. which is typically unilateral in sarcoidosis


Q 12. Panda sign and lambda sign is associated with


Q 13. most common cranial nerve involved in sarcoidosis


Q 14. Biopsy from which of the following can be obtained for the diagnosis of sarcoidosis


Q 15. least helpful in defining active sarcoidosis


Q 16. active sarcoidosis includes


Q 17. in sarcoidosis fatigue is linked to


Q 18. neurosarcoidosis features include


Q 19. which of the following helps in fifferentiating neurosarcoidosis from multiple sclerosis


Q 20. in Kveim-Siltzbach skin test, source of intradermal injection sarcoidosis extract is from


Q 21. by chest radiographs, stage 3 sarcoidosis refers to


Q 22. what size of lymphadenopathy in CT short axis supports the diagnosis of sarcoidosis over other ILDs


Q 23. LAMBDA SIGN’ in sarcoidosis is seen in?


Q 24. Blau`s syndrome or familial juvenile systemic granulomatosis includes all except


Q 25. most common location for sarcoid granulomas and scars in the heart is


Q 26. in BAL fluid, CD4/CD8 ratio more than which of the following is strongly supportive of sarcoidosis


Q 27. serum level of ACE is elevated in approximately what percentage of patients with acute sarcoidosis


Q 28. most common endocrine abnormality seen in sarcoidosis


Q 29. risk factor at presentation for chronic sarcoidosis is


Q 30. most common mechanism for pulmonary hypertension in sarcoidosis is


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